かつてはStar Allianceのアビアンカ航空が2,200USDでゴールドを販売していましたが(今でも買える?)、ワンワールドでは初?でしょうか。
S7 Airlines Gold : Oneworld Sapphire
- 販売ステータス: S7 Gold (One World Sapphire)
- 有効/販売期間: 1ヶ月ごと
- 料金: 15,000ルーブル(約28,500円)or 30,000マイル
参考 S7 Priority :Additional Features(Дополнительные возможности)
参考 Oneworld Sapphire Status On Sale For $260 Per Month
Prepaid status
The service is valid for payment of Gold status and is available to any participant of the program.
The minimum period for which the service is possible is 1 month.
The cost of 1 (One) month of use of the status: 15,000 rubles or 30,000 miles.
The cost of the service is calculated as the cost of 1 month * N months at the request of the participant.
The card proving the presence of the status is virtual (it is displayed in the Personal Area). A physical carrier is not manufactured.
The service is non-refundable.
Paid extension of validity of the status
The service is available only to those Participants who have not fulfilled 20% of qualifying conditions for confirmation of the status.
In case of using the service, the validity period of the status is extended for 1 year, in accordance with the program rules. The service is provided until the end of February, i.е. up to the moment of combustion of statuses.
The cost of 1 segment / 1000 miles is:
for Gold and Platinum Members – 3,000 rubles or 7,200 miles;
For participants of Silver status – 2250 rubles or 6000 miles.
The service is non-refundable.
Buying Status
The service is available for Participants who have not fulfilled 20% of qualifying conditions for obtaining a higher status.
In case of service registration, the validity period is set for 1 year, in accordance with the program rules.
The cost of the service is calculated as the cost of 1 segment / 1000 miles * the number of segments / number of status miles that the Participant lacks to obtain status.
The cost of 1 segment / 1000 miles is 3000 rubles or 7200 miles.